
Search a friend, relative, yourself, or someone else you may know

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Social Media Profiles

Photos and videos, friends, relationship status, education history, work history, hobbies and interests

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Contact Information

Phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, professional titles and company information

Public Records

Public Records

Birth and death certificates, marriages, divorces, property records, court records, criminal records and more


Check millions of photos and uncover popular people's online presence

How We Can Help

Find Relatives

If you're searching for distant relatives, IDCrawl can assist you in locating their contact information and online presence.

Reconnect with Friends

Locate and reconnect people you've lost touch with using IDCrawl's highly rated people search engine.

Find Old Classmates

IDCrawl's people search engine is one of the best available, allowing you to reconnect with acquaintances and colleagues in no time.

Manage Your Digital Identity

Curious about your online presence? IDCrawl scans the web for mentions of your name, providing a comprehensive report.


IDCrawl.com is a free people search engine that efficiently aggregates information from social networks, deep web sources, phone directories, email databases, and criminal records. Our platform enables you to effortlessly find and learn about people, providing comprehensive and organized results.

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